Project: Reuse Society- Because Reusability is the Way


While cities across the country try to divert waste from landfills by recycling, its effectiveness is still wishful as exporting recyclable materials overseas is now challenging and processing domestically simply cannot keep up with reality.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encourages communities to consider a waste management hierarchy showing reusability and source reduction at the top 2 most effective options. My project idea, “Reuse Society”, is a call-to-action, as a platform aiming to deliver a less-waste lifestyle that is realistic and measurable by personalizing the data-driven, reusable-based options to match customers’ routines or demands in each location. By providing convenience and possibility, I’m helping clients continue living their lives while doing their part and truly making a positive impact for their cities.

Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • Responsible Consumption and Production

Skills & Resources Needed:

  • Skills in tech to build the platform, research & data, and social media

  • Coaching team to support and give advice at this very beginning of my entrepreneurial journey

Post-Capsule Goals:

  • Incubator Program

  • Accelerator Program

  • University Partnership or Collaboration

  • Entrepreneurial Program

  • Launching Your Own Startup

  • Private Research Program

Project Motivation:

It’s always painful for me to see excessive production and low consumption that leads to huge waste creation. It can be anything from single-use plastics, foods, clothing, etc. However, the responsibility to minimize this waste falls not just on consumers. Businesses certainly can do something about it while still making money.

From my personal experience, I’m a conscious consumer, but eco-failure still happens to me especially when I’m on the go and unprepared. When there is no choice and the only option forces me to create waste, I get anxious (in my case, having to accept disposable coffee cups or getting unplanned takeout foods). So when I started to think about my project idea, I knew right away it had to solve this problem.

By focusing on feasible means and the real impact, Reuse Society will help make it possible for those reusability believers to live their lives while still fulfilling their wish of eco-friendly lifestyle and for businesses to still be profitable while adopting a new approach. I think this is the kind of success everyone in the community should claim.

Team Members:

Tanya Opilan