Project: Climate Change Aware Uganda


Uganda is highly vulnerable to climate change; high exposure and low adaptive capacity, yet contributes the least to climate change. Unfortunately, climate change awareness is low in the country. BBC world service put it, “Least responsible, most affected, least informed’. The public is less informed, the media rarely reports on climate change. The reasoning lies in the complexity of climate change; it’s hard to understand and there is a limited public interest in climate change stories. I strongly believe that increasing youth, media, experts, politicians’ engagement in climate change education in the Ugandan context is fundamental; awareness is key for proper adaptation and mitigation decision making. My approach combines the establishment and strengthening of climate change clubs in schools, social media campaigns, public space for dialogue, mobilizing schools, media houses, Civil Society Organizations in climate change education. Behavioral change in reuse, recycle, refuse, waste sorting, energy efficiency will be promoted. ♯ParisAgreementArticle12

Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Climate Action

  • Life Below Water

  • Responsible Consumption and Production

Skills & Resources Needed:

  • Partnership and fundraising skills

  • Campaign skills, both practical and social media campaign skills

  • Entrepreneurial skills to train youth involved or interested in enterprises in alternative packaging, plastic recycling

  • Funds of about $15,000 for a time period of one year to implement the first practical phase of the idea

  • Networks related youth organisations, potential donors and experts.

  • Information, education & communication-IEC materials

Post-Capsule Goals:

  • Incubator Program

  • University Partnership or Collaboration

  • Entrepreneurial Program

Project Motivation:

The existing climate change knowledge gap: Climate change is a challenge threatening humanity especially in the highly vulnerable global south, Uganda in particular. The biggest population in Uganda is not aware of what climate change is, its causes, the contributors, equity/justice aspects and individual or collective actions required. My idea is to have a climate change aware population recognizing that knowledge is power, and awareness is key for behavioural change and actions.

Team Members: 

Rose Kobusinge, Project Lead

Christine Kanweri

Kandida Nyakaisiki