Project: Fruits of the Forest
The project aims to create economic value for the conservation and regeneration of the endangered Mata Atlantica rainforest through agro-ecological production and to promote the development of healthy and sustainable food for the low income community in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro.
The project contributes to solving the problem by foraging the existing jackfruit (jaca in Portuguese) trees in reforestation areas and processing the fruits in order to provide a source of healthy food for low income communities whilst fostering forest preservation and generating economic income for local land owners.
The processed jaca yields to range of affordable alternatives to the meat based market, that with the growing trend towards vegetarian diets and the multiple malnutrition health related diseases, such as diabetes, obesity etc., in low income communities especially those in the densely populated outskirts of Rio, could greatly benefit from.
Sustainable Development Goals:
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-Being
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Reducing Inequality
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life on Land
Skills & Resources Needed:
Entrepreneurial resources such as help with fund raising
Networks on how to promote the start up as an innovative business model and solution based initiative
Experts in how to market a product (particularly in rural areas)
Agro-experts who can help us identify how to generate a perennial yield (some jacas start producing earlier or later than others hence the objective is to generate a continuous production)
Experts on how to commercialize a niche product
Post-Capsule Goals:
Entrepreneurial Program
Launching Your Own Startup
Accelerator Program
Project Motivation:
I am extremely passionate about the fact that the market based solution that my start up would provide is able to fill a gap that with one solution is able to synergistically solve multiple issues at once. Moreover, it takes into account the relevant issue that local farmers have in protecting the forest and gaining an income. At the same time the solution helps to provide a meat alternative solution in low income areas.
Team Members:
Virginia Bergamasco, Project Lead
Katie Waintrub
Mari Chiba
Annia Costermani
Marion Gazano