Project: Data City
Team Members:
Suliman Sharif, Project Lead
Front-End Developer, Marvin Corro
DevOps, Chris Burke
Graphics Designer, Elena Chow
Welcome to Data City! Data City is an investigation/validation platform for different datasets pertaining between the people and the government.
Our motivation serves as a possible way to validate data "as it comes in" rather than after the dataset is collected then published leading to messy data and mismatched records. DataCity can serve as a validation and aggregation platform for all different types of data by centralizing it under an open source validation platform. People can submit suggestions to standards, validation code, and submit their own continuous stream of data under one umbrella.
DataCity was built for the CapsuleHack 2020 and below is our first implementation of DataCity and the methods involved. We are part of the "Cities" challenge. Clean efficient data that is unified and clear is what will drive cities to become "smart". We think this is the first step into smart city innovation.
Milestone # 1:
First acquire as much open data from united states major cities to provide a proof of concept.
Milestone #2:
Clean all data to make sure it's purposeful when loaded into the website.
Milestone #3:
Front-end design the web interface to be a global map and users can select different data based on clicking points at a city.
Milestone #4:
Wire up a noSQL database to store all the data
Milestone #5:
Expand to any country eventually in the world.
Having available and accessible data is going to be the main driver for innovation. Accessible data would mean we can analyze cities pitfalls and improve. Comparing different cities we can learn lessons as to why one is evaluated "better" .
Sustainable Development Goals:
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-Being
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Reducing Inequality
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life on Land
Skills & Resources Needed:
Authentication to Scrape Data
Data Scientists
Python mid-expert developers
Post-Capsule Goals:
University Partnership or Collaboration
Private Research Program
Incubator Program
Accelerator Program